Jenny Jones

  • 3759 Chicago Ave Minneapolis MN 55407, United States - Powderhorn Park
    The dumpster behind this business is overflowing and covered in grease. I actually saw a rat jump out when it was being emptied one day (I wish I had thought to take a picture). There is a rat issue in the neighborhood, and I believe this dumpster, as well as the littering in the parking lot of the laundromat down the street, contribute to the rat problem. Is there a way for the city to ask this business to secure and clean the dumpster. Thank you so much for your kind attention to this problem! The mayor has said publicly several times that this neighborhood would receive "enhanced" and "robust" city services.
  • 805 E 38th St Minneapolis MN 55407, United States - Central
    I own a house 4 blocks from this intersection, and spend a significant amount of time volunteering there. I am extremely concerned by the news that the city wants to “reopen” 38th. First, I do not think the intersection should open until a thoughtful, clear, concrete, and definitive plan for a long term memorial is established and set in motion. Second, I have grave concerns about how public traffic will barrel through the intersection when there is so much foot traffic (from all over the country) coming to see the memorial as it is. This seems like a very dangerous traffic situation, particularly considering the heightened emotions surrounding the situation. Third, the intersection was originally blocked by the surrounding community in a call for racial justice. There have been no moves made toward ending systemic racism by the city. Until there are, the intersection should remain as is.