
  • 149 Elm St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Downtown

    All three intersections below regard one way streets. with no turns on red, such that when the traffic traveling from one way is stopped, the pedestrian is actually prohibited - yes prohibited - from crossing. Before these locations used to automatically turn to the white walk signal before the pandemic and now they do not. This is really perilous. Most walkers are dumbfounded and flummoxed and cross against the red stop anyway anyway because it is illogical and a new phenomenon. Quite simply, this is really dangerous. because the design doesn't take into account human psychology.

    1. Elm traveling East, intersected by Temple by the LIbrary. When traffic is stopped on Elm, pedestrians trying to cross it west cannot unless we "beg the button" and then still have to wait. Again this is new, before the pandemic the pedestrian signal was automatic. Pedestrians are stopped and traffic is stopped on Elm even though no vehicles are allowed to turn into the intersection since it is a one way.

    2. Grove traveling West, intersected by Prospect/College. Pedestrians traveling north attempting to cross Grove, on the east side of Prospect must wait a long while, hands in our pockets, while traffic waits too. Pedestrians not understanding the logic thus venture through and several have almost literally gotten killed.

    3. Grove traveling West, intersected by Church, by People's Bank. Another busy intersection and the same deal: pedestrians crossing north by Bruger's Bagels must wait, hands in their pockets and thus many venture out and cause havoc.

    Never mind the sanitary aspect of touching light buttons to beg. The bottom line is human behavior is such that humans will assume the crosswalks are broken, especially when touching the beg button elicits no response - many do not either give way tactilely, light or beep.

  • Parks Request 已存档
    303 College St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Downtown
    The new vendor or lawn cutters being used to cut the grass on the new haven green, especially west of Temple, have set their blades so low three cycles now they are tearing into the sod, destroying the roots of the grass. The Green is quickly turning brown because the lawn mowers are slashing into the root stems. This will soon kill off all the new sod and grass we tried so hard to plant since Occupy the Green in 2010. Cutting grass is not hard, and mowers who operate like cowboys tearing into the soil should be replaced.
  • 282-284 College St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Downtown
    The "No Turn on Red" signs for vehicles have been removed both on College Street southbound and also Chapel Street westbound, at the intersection between them by the Taft and Yale's Bingham Hall, arguably the busiest intersection in the city. Now, cars are either rolling up and through the pedestrian crosswalks, or creeping through them and blocking pedestrians as well as making it difficult for buses and firetrucks to take that tight corner since now not only isn't there a "Stop Here on Red" but not not even "No Turn on Red." If there is vehicle w/ a high center of gravity in the left lane traveling west on Chapel, many drivers do not and cannot see crossing pedestrians so roll up past the stop line and through, nearly killing them. I have witnessed this first hand to myself and have seen it happen a dozen times in the last week. This really in an emergency situation than needs to be addressed ASAP.
  • 143 Elm St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Downtown
    The pedestrian signals at the intersection of Temple and Elm are out of whack and no-longer automatic, which they have been for ten years, now for some reason necessitating the pedestrian press a button and wait perplexingly two cycles. I have crossed that intersection every day for ten years and the signals were quite rightly automatic. Now, many pedestrians are jaywalking and/or confused by this dysfunction, right at one of the busiest intersections of the city where we just had a pedestrian death.
  • Parks Request 已存档
    285 College St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Downtown
    The metal fence on the Green along College Street was painted 3 weeks ago, but the cardboard paper and blue plastic tape to guard the cement piers is all there, getting wet, lose and blowing all over the green. It looks ugly besides. Obviously the painters or city forgot to remove the paper but now w/ rainy weather it is becoming dislodged. Please remove the tape and paper ASAP.
  • Tree Trimming 已存档
    97 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Yale University Campus
    DANGER! Large heavy branch hanging dead from Isias over park bench in Phelp's Triangle across from where Fashionista was. Looks like it is about to fall and many homeless sleep under it at night and business people eat lunch there during the day. It is hanging by a thread and the next gust of strong wind will take it down.
  • Trumbull St & Whitney Ave New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Yale University Campus
    From about 3:45 to 5:30 pm every day, this intersection is backed up, and vehicles jump the light and remain in the pedestrian crosswalk, which is equally heavily traversed by workers leaving work who walk and don't drive. Some pedestrians walk behind the cars, some in front, some cars attempt to back up hitting them, some move forward, and havoc ensues b/c vehicles attempting to drive north or turn on right on Trumbull feel enraged the intersection is blocked, and then cars jockey all with many pedestrians trying to navigate what appears to be adult bumper cars. A DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION sign should be placed across from Phelps Triangle park, and/or a police man directing traffic from 4 to 5 would help. The last two weeks it has been treacherous for pedestrians to cross there and many have had close calls. Drivers sitting and idling in crosswalks should also be ticketed. This is an injury or fatality ready to happen!
  • 500-598 College St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Downtown
    The mailbox on the corner of Grove and College Streets has been paradoxically placed on a concrete pedestal and placed in the literal middle of the sidewalk, just causing someone to trip. All week people are filing around in wandering into the street which is already a treacherous corner. This was probably moved temporarily but never returned off to the side. Highly dangerous, should be fixed immediately.
  • 283-285 College St New Haven, CT, 06510, USA - Downtown
    The pedestrian walk signal opposite TD Bank on the corner of College and Chapel Streets next to the bus stop has been angled and turned askew for months now, so that pedestrians crossing from outside the Taft walking towards the Green cannot see it. This looks derelict and is dangerous as NH will host summer camps and reunions soon. It should be corrected ASAP. The is at the southewest corner of the green outside Bingham Hall.
  • Other 打开
    1000 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Town_Green
    I don't mean to be hard hearted, but the women who shouts Yale Hunger Homeless Project has staked out this corner and YELLS at the top of her lungs, every 5 seconds, from noon until sunset, every day, all day. This is a burst of noise, all day every five seconds, just like a car alarm or siren. I have donated to her before, but she should mover around town, not stay stationary in one location all day. It has been months now of shouting all day, every day, from noon to night, so loud. Weer she shouting anything else she would be disturbing the peace. The police should tell her to walk around all of New Haven. She is disturbing 800 people who live in Bingham Hall across the street, above Claires, and the Taft,
  • Parks Request 已存档
    300 College Street New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    There are dozens of old scarves placed around the trees on the green - perhaps this was someone's idea of art for MLK day? In any event they have been left on the trees and are deteriorating, creating litter all over the green. Also very bad for the trees health. These should be removed immediately.
  • Policing Issue 已存档
    968 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    Colony of drug dealers and homeless have returned thee bus stop at College and Chapel and have been living, sleeping and fighting there since May. I have called the police six times and they are back. The fight all night, scream and shout, defecate, urinate, use foul language and shout. They set up blankets to sleep right on the sidewalk, jaywalk, harass passers by. They literally never leave this spot. They have brought bikes, umbrellas, shopping carts and blankets. I feel bad for the homeless but this particular group is vile. It is a den of crime and filth right on Chapel Street across from Zinc and the litter is outrageous. They need to be evicted from that spot ASAP before a serious crime occurs.
  • Policing Issue 已存档
    965-999 Chapel Street New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    Aggressive, super loud mentally ill person has taken up residence in the bus shelter on the corner of College and Chapel. He is middle aged, pot bellied, bald, and sits on that bench from late afternoon where he shouts and harasses passers by until morning. He hits at the air, spits, shouts obscenities and beats his chest. I have called NHPD about ten times over the past two weeks. He is making it impossible to sleep and has exhausted the patience and good will of all in the area.
  • Policing Issue 已存档
    300 College Street New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    DIRT BIKE ABD ATV MADNESS! Packs of masked Juvenile Delinquents again storming down streets and running through pedestrian crossings. They are masked and pop wheelies. The noise is unbearable and it is a grave safety hazard. Add this noise to the neat constant ambulance sirens and downtown becomes a ghetto all summer. I have reported this issue since 2006 but it seems like the local cops are overwhelmed by little boys needing to show off.
  • College And Chapel Streets New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    There is a group of bikers that look like they came from the valley drag racing through the city. The bikes have illegal pipes and ear splitting noise. They are running pedestrian crossings and passing cars in full view of the green during jazz fest. The meter maids are busy ticketing jazz goers and NH police ignore the drag bikes, because the cops like the toys. They are ruining jazz fest, drowning out the music with their engines and no one is doing anything.
  • 323 Temple Street New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    Cars routinely blow through the pedestrian crosswalks on Temple Street because there are no neon yellow signs in the middle of the crosswalk warning them to yield. Today a woman was nearly killed. Cars routinely race up not slow down at this intersection which I have observed for ten years